ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test

Welcome to our ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test! This interactive quiz is tailored to help you prepare effectively for the Word Knowledge section of the ASVAB. Our practice test includes a variety of questions, challenging your understanding of English language vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms, and usage.

Whether you are just beginning your ASVAB preparation or looking to sharpen your skills, this practice test is an excellent way to assess your current level and identify areas for improvement. It’s designed to reflect the types of questions you’ll encounter on the actual ASVAB, helping you build confidence and proficiency in your word knowledge.

Take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with the format and content of the Word Knowledge section. Practice, review, and improve with our ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test. Good luck with your preparation!

ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test

Get ready to tackle the Word Knowledge section of the ASVAB with our in-depth practice quiz. This quiz includes questions, designed to challenge your vocabulary and understanding of various words in context. You'll encounter a diverse set of words that will test your ability to identify synonyms, antonyms, and meanings, as well as apply your knowledge to complete sentences. Perfect for those looking to hone their language skills, this quiz will help you build the strong verbal foundation needed for military aptitude testing.

1 / 20

Her **sagacious** insights contributed greatly to the success of the project.

2 / 20

The company’s policies are **inflexible**, allowing no room for exceptions.

3 / 20

His **penchant** for adventure led him to explore remote places.

4 / 20

The **ubiquitous** presence of smartphones has changed the way we communicate.

5 / 20

The **benevolent** king was loved by all his subjects.

6 / 20

The **opulent** mansion stood out in the modest neighborhood.

7 / 20

The idea was **feasible**, but required a lot of work.

8 / 20

His **terse** reply was unexpected.

9 / 20

She was known for her **stoic** demeanor.

10 / 20

The **tenuous** connection between the two crimes was not enough for a conviction.

11 / 20

The ancient artifact was **pristine**.

12 / 20

His **zealous** support for the project was well-known.

13 / 20

The charity event was **lavish** and spared no expense.

14 / 20

His **cryptic** message left everyone puzzled.

15 / 20

Her motives for volunteering were purely **altruistic**.

16 / 20

The **ephemeral** beauty of the sunset was breathtaking.

17 / 20

The document was declared **null** by the authorities.

18 / 20

The **arduous** journey took a toll on the travelers.

19 / 20

His argument was sound, yet **specious**.

20 / 20

The novel's ending was quite **inevitable**.

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